Saturday, December 17, 2011


Your resume is a statement of what you have achieved in the past and your capability for future accomplishments.

Your resume should include a career summary and a description of your education, work experience, accomplishments, special skills, and interests.

A resume is a marketing tool for a candidate seeking a new position. Your resume and cover letter will be competing with hundreds of other applicants for a recruiter’s attention to grant an interview. To get that interview, it must be an exceptional document both in terms of content and presentation. Any short cuts in writing a resume could disqualify a candidate from getting on a short list for initial interviews.


The purpose of a resume is to get job interviews.  It is a statement of your skills and abilities to do the job for which you are applying. It tells the employer the benefits you offer, and how you will be successful in the position. The resume should have an appealing appearance so that the recruiter will be tempted to pick it up and read it. That means it should be formatted properly, should have ample margins, and a formal type face. Remember, the purpose of a resume is to stimulate the recruiter’s interest so that you get called for an interview. Your resume is a business advertisement, and should appear professional. It should not only be attractive, but also have relevant and valuable content. It should be short, simple, and easy to read.

Keep the objective of getting invited for job interviews uppermost in your mind as you write your resume. It is a marketing document which demonstrates what you have accomplished in the past, and how it will help your prospective employers. Write your resume with great enthusiasm to create a document that you can be proud of. Everything you state on your resume must be true. Your resume is the bridge to reach your dream job. Although, most of the content of a resume is based on your current and previous jobs, it is not just a history of the jobs you have held. Your resume is an advertisement of your experience and accomplishments which has the sole purpose of getting you invited for job interviews.

Carefully checking your resume is a good first step, but it is essential to have one or two people proof-read your resume before you send it to prospective employers. There must be no typing, spelling or grammatical errors in your resume.

Every job posting and newspaper ad results in hundreds of resumes. Recruiters usually glance over a resume in a few seconds. The top half of the first page of the resume often determines whether the candidate gets any further consideration.  

Remember, what you have done in the past is a good guide as to what you will do in the future.

 It is important to show in your resume how you created value for your past employers, or how you saved money for them by improving products or services. Your resume should be a proposal of what you can do in the future, rather than just a statement of what you have done in the past. Every resume is unique. It is a marketing communication designed to win an interview.

Your experience level and the type of job you are seeking determine the type of resume you need. Someone who is just entering the workforce should focus more on educational background, as compared to another candidate with substantial work experience who should focus on job accomplishments.

The most effective way to get interviews is to use an accomplishment based resume and then target it to specific job postings. Recruiters want to know what you accomplished in your previous positions, not just where you were employed. You need to demonstrate how you created value or saved money for your previous employers, and provide specific instances of how you actually accomplished that. Whenever possible, try to attach a monetary value to what you accomplished.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Globalization is an opportunity to build and grow your career. You should look upon it as a gift of modern times rather than as a threat to your career. Those who are able to navigate their careers in the new global market place will have tremendous career opportunities.

Workers in the global economy require new skills and new knowledge to succeed. They require ongoing training and education to remain competitive in the changing environment. Each individual worker must be willing to take personal responsibility to increase one’s value in the changing environment. You can make yourself the most sought after worker by acquiring the needed education and occupational skills.

Here are some strategies you can employ to build your career in the global economy.

·         Adopt continuous learning and flexibility. These are essential requirements for careers in the global economy. We are surrounded by change. Many of yesterday’s jobs have disappeared, and many jobs today did not exist a few years back. You should continue to acquire new knowledge by reading professional publications and participating in seminars and meetings.

·         Focus on your skills and areas of interest. Identify what you are good at doing, and build those skills further. Tune up your skills to adapt to new cultures. An open mind and the desire to collaborate with people from other cultural backgrounds will make your skills more valuable in the marketplace.  

·         Develop the ability to market yourself. This means knowing your skills and areas of competence, and effectively presenting what you have to offer.

·         Gain an understanding of other cultures. Travel to other countries. Become friends with people from other cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Participate in multi-cultural experiences. Encourage your children to study abroad. Always show respect for customs of other countries and build an understanding of business etiquette in the country of your interest. Ability to collaborate in multicultural settings will be a great asset for careers in the future.

·         Learn foreign languages. While you can get by in most countries by your knowledge of English, you need to acquire knowledge of the local language to work in other countries. Also, it is a good idea to take courses to acquire knowledge of customs and business practices in other countries.

·         Getting a global job does not necessarily mean that you have to live in another country. According to one estimate, about 80% of international jobs – jobs that require extensive contact by American businesses with other countries are based in the U.S.

·         Create a high quality resume and cover letters. There is a full chapter in this book devoted to the preparation of resume and cover letters.

The Internet has revolutionized communications around the world. The confluence of democratized knowledge, political reform, free trade, and economic development have torn down the walls that prevented many countries from participating in the world economy prior to the mid-1990’s. As international trade grows, the economies of different countries are becoming increasingly interconnected.

When I founded Mehta Consulting as an executive search firm in 1997, my intention was to limit my operations to the United States. After I was in business for 5 years, one of my clients asked me to find a manager who would be willing to relocate from the U.S. to Jamaica to manage their call center operations. I was able to successfully complete that search and find a qualified candidate for that position. A year later, the same client came back and asked me to find another manager for their expanding operations in Jamaica. Again, I was able to find a suitable candidate for that position. Then I received a phone call from a company that had recently established a call center in the Philippines. They asked me to find a manager who would be willing to live in the Philippines for a couple of years to manage their call center. I was able to find an excellent candidate for them who moved from Boston to Makati City in the Philippines. That led to an on-going relationship to find additional candidates for that client’s call center in the Philippines. Because of globalization, it has become easy to serve customers in countries far away from where one is located. Although I was a small business owner, based in the U.S., my company was able to have a global reach and serve clients in several different countries.

There is no question that American workers can thrive in the global economy. But it is going to require hard work and initiative. You have to think globally in order to survive. This requires taking control of your career development, acquiring new skills, and maintaining a positive attitude to succeed in the new environment.  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Following is a list of questions often asked during job interviews.
·         Tell me about yourself. Suggestion: You should limit your answer to two minutes. In addition to providing factual information, emphasize the work experience you enjoyed the most and the positive results you accomplished. Point out to your strengths and good work habits. This question is a test of your ability to select the relevant portions of your background, and present that information clearly in a short time.
·         What are your major strengths? Suggestion: This is an opportunity for you to focus on your personal traits such as integrity, punctuality, persistence, enthusiasm, hard work, and the ability to get along with others. You should highlight two to three traits and describe how those traits helped you to do a superior job in your previous positions.
·         What is your major weakness? Suggestion: You need to give an honest answer, and at the same time, make a positive presentation. When you mention a weakness, also point out some positive aspects associated with it. You may also want to refer to your self-improvement programs such as training courses.
·         Why are you interested in this position? Suggestion: Describe how your skills, experiences and background match the job requirements.
·         Why do you want to leave your present job? Suggestion: Say positive things about your company and your boss (whenever that is true). Emphasize how the position for which you are interviewing, offers a better opportunity to use your skills and experiences.
·         Why should we hire you? Suggestion: This question is uppermost in the interviewer’s mind whether it is asked directly like this, or in another way. The right way to answer this question is to point out the benefits that will result to the employer by hiring you. You should offer some proof by relating how you helped your previous employers make more money by increasing sales and revenue or by reducing costs or solving problems.
·         What are your salary requirements? Suggestion: The best way to answer this question is to say that you are very interested in the position, and the salary would be negotiable. You should not name a number for the desired salary at this early stage. However, if pressed for this information, give a broad, but feasible range that can help the company determine if you fit within the salary guidelines for the company. When the salary question is asked by a recruiter from an executive search firm, you should clearly state your requirements. The recruiter needs to know if your salary requirements match the client guidelines, and whether you should be referred to the hiring company.
·         How does your experience relate to this job? Suggestion: This is a direct question, and an opportunity to emphasize how your experience fits the job requirements. You should pick each of the major job requirements and describe how your experience would enable you to do an excellent job.
Here is a great question some interviewers use to judge the quality of the candidate they are facing. They ask “Tell me how you spent your day yesterday”. If you have a disciplined and well organized daily routine, you will probably talk about reading the newspaper and trade magazines, checking the available positions of interest online and in print media, adding names and phones to your contact list, researching the companies you have targeted for job search, preparing follow-up letters and thank you notes, making follow-up phone calls, and doing your favorite exercise routine to keep your body in shape. On the other hand, persons who are not focused and organized will probably show their true character. This is a good way for employers to rule out unsuitable candidates.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Your job search preparation must include the following two elements: Define the Job You Want and Your Key Message; and then develop a list of Potential Employers.
Define the Job You Want and Your Key Message
This is a statement of the kind of job you want based on a clear understanding of your skills and interests. It tells your prospective employers what you are looking for. You may define it by picking a job title such as “Sales Representative” or by selecting a range of job titles such as “Marketing Management”. This would help you in putting together your resume and cover letters. By focusing on jobs that match your skills and interests, you improve the chances of finding a suitable position.
In addition, you need to develop the key message you are going to convey to prospective employers and to those in your network. This message describes how you are a good candidate for the position you are pursuing. You will put your key message in your resume and repeat it again and again in job interviews. That means going beyond determining a job title or cluster of jobs that will suit you. You have to prepare a key statement that describes you to prospective employers.
Prepare yourself to answer the question that often comes up in job interviews: “Why should we hire you?”  This question is a test of your ability to select the relevant portions of your background to show how you meet the job requirements, and present that information clearly in a two-minute presentation. You should write such a statement, practice how you will deliver it in a job interview, and review it carefully to use in your resume.
To prepare your key message, you need to go to your list of accomplishments and skills and then describe your strengths to do the job you want. You need to focus on your desired job when preparing your key message. It should provide evidence that you can effectively handle the job you want to do. You should state your skills, personal qualities, experience and accomplishments that support the cluster of jobs that you are seeking. Your key message will guide your communications including resume preparation, conversations with contacts in your network, and job interviews.
Preparing a list of your skills and linking your skills with stories of accomplishments is a good way to begin to develop your key message. As you proceed with your job search and share your key message in your conversations and written communications, you will certainly find ways to refine your message and present stories of your accomplishments. Keep your target audience uppermost in your mind when you prepare and revise your key message. Discuss your key message with some friends, and particularly with two to three professionals in your field, who can give you an objective assessment.
Most people underestimate their value. They do not realize the skills and experience they bring to the table. While you must not lie about your qualifications, you need to disclose them fully to get the kind of job and compensation you deserve.
Develop a list of Potential Employers
Once you have identified the job you want, you need to determine where you want to work. That depends on where the jobs are located or what business organizations are looking for people to do the type of work you are interested in doing. This exercise will lead you to the development of your target list of prospective employers. Your interest and preferences play a key role in developing such a list. You may prefer certain target employers because of where they are located or type of industry or the employer’s size or other factors.
The selection of your target list depends on where the jobs are for which you are qualified and what are your personal preferences. Some people do not want to relocate and have strong preference as to where they want to live. That puts a limitation on where they can work. Another consideration is your choice of industry. While some occupations may limit your choice of industries, many other occupations allow you to work in a wide range of industries. The size of a prospective employer (number of employees, annual revenue) may not be important in your search. On the other hand, some persons like to work for big companies with a lot of employees and resources while others prefer small organizations. If the size of a company is an important consideration for you, you will need to keep this in mind when picking your list of target companies.  Having a target list of prospective employers will enable you to tap into the unadvertised job market. It will give you the ability to talk to the employers you have chosen rather than depending exclusively on the job openings appearing in newspapers or on the Internet. It is estimated that between 50- 75 percent of the jobs are filled without ever being advertised. You will be able to research companies of special interest to you, and refine your target list as you move on with your job search. This will also enable you to make a better use of your network. You will have a list of your desired employers with you to share with contacts in your network.
When preparing your target list, focus on companies that are well suited to your skills and fields of greatest interest. This is a list of companies you want to work for; not a list of job openings. If you need help in developing your target list, go to your library and tell them the industry, location, and size of companies you want to research. They will be able to direct you to the databases and directories that contain such information. My suggestion is to start with a target list of 25 prospective employers, and then gradually add or delete as you move forward with your search.
Once you have your target list, you need to research each organization. You can do so by going to their company websites and reading information available on the Internet. The publicly traded companies have annual reports that you can access on the Internet. You may also obtain additional information about any company by putting their name in one of the search engines – Google, Bing, or Yahoo. There are also specialized websites that provide profiles for companies in a variety of industries. The best way to get information about a target company is to talk to some of their employees. As you gather information about companies on your target list, you can use that information to rank your targets, and establish your priorities.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


When you receive a job offer, you have to make a decision that will have a long-range impact on your career path. Fortunately, most companies give you a few days to make your decision. You have probably determined, before a job offer is presented to you, that the company is a good place to work and you are satisfied with the position and advancement opportunities. If you have any concerns about the company or the position, this is the time to take another look at what you may be getting into. No amount of salary or benefits will make up for a bad career choice. Assuming that you are satisfied with the company and the position, you should take a look at other aspects of the job offer.
This is an opportunity for you to define what you want and what you can get, and then negotiate an employment package acceptable to you. You can negotiate the job responsibilities, base salary, bonus, relocation package, benefits, severance terms and anything else included in the job offer.
Preparation is the key to good negotiation. You have to research, consider alternatives, plan and effectively communicate with the employer. You have to know how far you can go, and when to pull back. When the job being offered to you is hard to fill, the employer will be more accommodating. If other candidates are available to fill the position, the employer may be less inclined to negotiate the terms of the job offer. Smaller companies are more willing to negotiate than larger organizations with firm policies and procedures.
Timing is a critical factor while negotiating. The ideal time to negotiate is when you have received a verbal offer from the employer or through an executive search firm. You should prepare a logical explanation for every change you want to request. Remember that negotiating is a two-way process when both you and the employer try to reach an agreement that will be beneficial to both sides.

Monday, September 12, 2011


You should apply only for those jobs for which you are qualified and then tailor your cover letter and resume to the needs of potential employers. If you do this right, there is a high probability you will be called for job interviews.
The quality of the resume and cover letter determine who gets invited for the interview. Your success in the interview process will depend largely on the level of your preparation. You should anticipate what questions are likely to be asked during the interview, and know how you are going to answer those questions. You should have a list of questions you want to ask. The interview is an opportunity for you to learn about the job and the company so that you can decide whether that is the right opportunity for you.
A person is invited for the job interview only when the employer thinks there may be a possible match with the job requirements. The interview is a two way process. It enables the employer to identify suitable candidates, and then establish the best match. On the other hand, interviews enable candidates to determine whether the job opportunities fit their qualifications and interests. A candidate, who has studied the job description and researched the employer organization, is likely to interview well. It is essential to have a successful interview in order to get a job offer.
There are many types of job interviews that you will have to handle in the job search process. These include phone interviews, face-to-face interviews, interviews at a meal, and behavioral interviews.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Once you have prepared a resume that shows your skills and abilities, the next step is to bring it to the attention of those who are responsible for hiring. Remember that posting your resume on one or more job-boards is not enough. You have to find and actively approach employer organizations to find a suitable job.
The major sources for locating suitable job openings include: targeting companies of special interest; networking through business and personal contacts; approaching search firms and employment agencies; replying to ads in newspapers and trade publications; finding job postings on the Internet job boards and employer websites; attending job fairs; and resume posting on the Internet. If possible, identify unique sources of job leads that other candidates may not be using. For example, venture capital firms can be an excellent source of job leads as they have in-depth knowledge of hiring needs within industries in which they invest.
Targeting companies of special interest and networking are the two most effective methods of finding suitable jobs. However, even these two methods will not always result in a successful job search. You need to use three to four sources to locate suitable job openings. The candidates who rely upon just one or two of the available sources to find job openings are likely to be disappointed. There is no one source for job openings that will always lead to a successful job search.
Your objective in contacting potential employers is to get job interviews. Therefore, you should try to determine what sources are resulting in more job interviews and give more attention to such sources. On the other hand, you should continue to use more than one source for locating job openings.
You have to find the job openings for which you are qualified and that meet your requirements. You can find such job postings on the Internet job boards and employer websites; ads in newspapers and trade journals; and websites of executive search firms. In addition, you need to look for unadvertised jobs by targeting companies of special interest and through networking.
Here is a suggestion to help you improve your effectiveness in contacting potential employers. Whenever an e-mail address is given in the job posting, send your resume by e-mail and include a cover note highlighting how you match the job requirements. In addition, follow-up the e-mailed resume by sending a hard copy of the resume and a tailor-made cover letter. This will enable you to get a well prepared and formatted resume and cover letter in the employer’s hands, and give you an edge as most other candidates will just e-mail their resumes. Another suggestion is to follow-up by phone. You should make a follow-up phone call, within a week after sending a resume, to confirm that the resume was received and to try to schedule an appointment for an interview. This is also an opportunity to get the full job description and other information about the hiring company.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


A resume is a statement of what you have achieved in the past and your capability for future accomplishments. Every person is unique, and a resume must demonstrate the unique capabilities you possess.
The purpose of a resume is to get invited for job interviews. It is a marketing communication designed to win interviews. Your resume should demonstrate how you will be able to benefit your future employer. What you have done in the past is a good guide as to what you will do in the future. Your experience level and the type of job you are seeking will determine the type of resume you need. Someone who is just entering the workforce should focus more on educational background as compared to another candidate who has substantial work experience, and therefore, should focus on work accomplishments.
A well prepared and tailor-made cover letter is a tool to draw attention to the most relevant information in the resume. Think of it as a requirement when you send a resume. Many recruiters do not even read a resume that comes without a cover letter. A cover letter confirms that you have read the job posting, understand the requirements, and are really interested. It is an opportunity for you to link your experience with the advertised job, and to provide any information specifically requested in the job posting that might not be included in your resume such as, job location preferences and availability date.
You must have a copy of the job description or a summary of the qualifications required before you can draft a targeted cover letter. This is usually included in the job posting and the newspaper ads. You should read this a couple of times to be sure that your own skills and qualifications match what the job requires. It is a good sign when you find that your qualifications match most of the requirements because it means you are a strong candidate for the position. Next, you should underline the primary responsibilities indicated in the job posting, and write down the strongest qualifications you possess to match what the job requires.
Some job postings instruct candidates to apply via e-mail. The strategy for preparing an electronic cover letter is the same as for preparing a cover letter to be sent by regular mail. You need to demonstrate how your qualifications meet each requirement listed in the job posting. There are some elements that differentiate e-mail cover letters. The e-mail cover letters should be very concise. While you need to provide all the information you would include in a printed cover letter, you have to do that in fewer words and less space in the e-mail. Make sure to list only those qualifications and experiences that match the job requirements. Your e-mail is a selling document, and you have to make it highly effective. You should state the purpose of your e-mail in the subject line. This subject line should be attractive enough to cause the recipient to open your e-mail message. Remember to include your resume as an attachment with the e-mail message.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


To focus on the right opportunities, you need to identify your skills and talents and determine which career opportunities are suitable for you. Self-knowledge is an essential step in job search. It helps you to define the job you want. When you know exactly what you are looking for, you are more likely to find a job close to your ideal.
People who can find the right fit are always successful. They are doing what they enjoy and what they are good at. All of us have enormous potential as long as we can channel our energies in the area of our strengths. You need to put yourself in a career that will pull you in the direction of the greatest personal fit. No two individuals are identical; every person has a different set of skills and talents. It is extremely important to identify your specific strengths and how these match the available career options. Your performance will be superior as long as you are in an occupation you enjoy. Financial rewards and job satisfaction will follow as long as you are doing what you enjoy.
You need to make a written inventory of your transferable skills – the skills you can take from one job to another. For instance, if you have management skills, they can be applied to a position in any industry. The same is true for many other skills. You have to evaluate your skills to see how they match the requirements for a job.
You have to develop a clear vision of what you want. You should think of what you want to become, the job you want, the industry in which you want to work, the kind of co-workers you want to have, the place where you want to live, and the kind of life style you want. You can refine this profile by going through various aspects of your current and previous jobs that you liked or disliked, and how your performance was rated by your supervisors.
You have to make an inventory of your accomplishments, projects and activities that really inspired you, and write down the compliments received for your work. As you prepare the inventory of your achievements, you will find a pattern emerging to show what type of activities you are good at. This analysis will point to skills and talents in you that will be good assets in your career planning.
Before beginning your job search, you need to define what you have to offer to prospective employers and where you want to use your skills.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Success in job search is a matter of choice. It does not happen by chance. One has to establish career goals, and then proceed in a systematic manner to accomplish those goals. Those who approach job search in a systematic manner are always able to accomplish their objectives.
Let me share with you a framework for achieving success in job search. It is based on many years of experience in selecting employees during my business career as well as my experience as an executive recruiter responsible for attracting management talent for client companies. The steps I am going to describe are inter-related, and one must follow all steps to achieve success.
Here are the five essential steps in the job search process:
1.       First and foremost, you need to identify your skills and job interests and then determine the career you want to pursue.
2.       Second, you need a resume and cover letters that highlight your special skills and value to potential employers so that you will get invited for job interviews.
3.       Third, you need to identify and contact a large number of potential employers who may have job openings that match your skills and interests.
4.       The fourth essential step is to get job interviews, prepare for those interviews, and perform so well in those interviews, that you will be judged as the best candidate for the position.
5.       The fifth step in the job search process is the evaluation of job offers. You need to learn to evaluate each job offer to make sure you are being offered a compensation package suitable to your skills and qualifications.

I plan to cover each of the essential steps in the job search process in the future blog posts.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Are you looking for a job?  Do you want some tried and true tips on achieving long-term career success?  If so, I suggest you skip what I have to say and dive into this book.  This book is a must read for anyone interested in securing a good job and achieving long-term career success.  It is a book you should not refer to just once, but time and time again.  It is packed with inspiration and information that will help you to position yourself for your best career future.  It is inspiring and well-written. 

I am a professor who has studied the topic of job search and unemployment for nearly 20 years.  I have interacted with many job search counselors and looked at many job search books.  I feel well-suited to say that this book will be helpful to you!  The author of this book speaks straight from the heart.  He shares many lessons he has learned in his impressive career.  These lessons will be of enormous value to you in building a framework for success for your life-long career.  The book will also help you to:
  • Assess your skills and interests, and determine what kind of job you want.
  • Prepare a good resume and targeted cover letters.
  • Develop an understanding of what employers want in candidates, and how to position yourself for a successful job search.
  • Understand the questions likely to come up in job interviews, and how to prepare for interviews.
  • Learn how to review a job offer, and negotiate for what is important.
  • Build your knowledge of job-related information available on the Internet.
The book is based on the author’s personal experiences as a successful job-hunter, as a business manager responsible for hiring employees for large companies, and as an executive recruiter who interacted with hiring managers of a variety of companies. Take this to your favorite coffee shop, or sit outside if the weather is good, and enjoy, think, and plan!  You must take control over your career to get where you want to go. 

Connie Wanberg
, Ph.D., Professor and Industrial Relations Faculty Excellence Chair, Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies, University of Minnesota

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Five Steps to Your Next Job is a practical guide for job search and career development. I will share with you the knowledge and experiences I have acquired as a job-hunter; as a business manager responsible for hiring employees; and as an executive recruiter engaged in finding management talent for client organizations. My goal is to help you move towards your career objectives, and to turn your dream job into reality
As I look back upon my most memorable experiences, they were as a result of dreaming about the things I wanted to achieve. At the time I had those thoughts, my dreams seemed impossible to accomplish. When I thought more about those dreams and how to turn them into reality, they came within reach. The distance between a dream and reality becomes short when you start to focus on how you are going to accomplish what you want. J.P. Morgan, the great industrialist, once said “Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you will be able to see farther”.
I am going to share with you some of the techniques I have used to achieve what I desired. There are many different ways that have been used by others to get what they wanted. I want to encourage you to reach for and accomplish whatever your heart desires, and in that process learn from everyone around. Grasp whatever knowledge and ideas are available. Do not look for shortcomings in others, but look for areas of strength you can cultivate.
You need a clear vision of your destination before you can get there. To find your dream job, you have to clearly define that job and lay out the path to get there. Some people know their dream jobs instinctively. They have a clear vision in their minds of what they want, they develop plans to get there, and they reach their destination. Others have to make efforts of varying degrees to identify the jobs they want. Some do extensive research of career descriptions to find what they want, some take career aptitude tests, some try to mirror the careers of their heroes, and some complete a variety of exercises to find the jobs most suited to their skills, qualities and interests.
There is no such thing as an ideal job that is good for everyone. Each of us has different skills, qualities and aspirations. The ideal job does not necessarily mean becoming President of a company or making a lot of money. While one person may dream of starting and building a large business another may dream of becoming a successful teacher. Ideal jobs are specific to individuals. What one dreams to become may be a useless pursuit in the mind of another person. The important thing in career planning is to remember to move in the direction of your dreams. The person who is following the direction of one’s dreams will always be satisfied by the work environment while another who is working just to pay bills cannot wait for the next weekend or day off from work.
You should do whatever you can to step into your dream job. It will allow you to be yourself on the job. You will do well in a dream job because it will reflect your personality and values. You will feel fulfilled and achieve something dear to your heart. Because a dream job is a reflection of your skills and talents, you are likely to achieve more. Your dream job will keep you excited and motivated. It will allow you to do what you enjoy doing. It will make you feel good because you are doing something you enjoy, and make valuable contributions. You will wake up each morning looking forward to the work day ahead rather than waiting for it to be over. It will provide you with a sense of fulfillment. It will enable you to do the work you love. It will allow you to utilize your unique skills and talents. And, it will give you a sense of accomplishment. 
I have the following four objectives for writing this book:
  1. Explain the job search process: Most of the book is devoted to the job search process, and provides a framework based on my own experiences as a job-hunter, as a business manager, and as an executive recruiter. Chapter 1 is an overview explaining how to plan and implement a job search campaign. Chapters 2-6 discuss each of the five major steps in the job search process: Skills and Job Interests; Resume and Cover Letters; Contacting Potential Employers; Job Interviews; and Job Offer Negotiations.
  2. Provide tips for using the Internet: The Internet is becoming an increasingly important resource for job seekers to find job openings, conduct research, get job search help, and apply for jobs. Chapter 7 describes the Internet Resources available for job search and career development; many websites for job-related information are listed in this chapter.  
  3. Discuss strategies for career development: Chapter 8 provides techniques and strategies for maximizing your professional success. While a job may be short term, a career is always long-term. A career consists of a variety of jobs, with each job usually leading to a position of higher responsibility. I have described in this chapter how I was able to get my ultimate dream job. That search enabled me to start an executive search firm, and gave me the best job of my life.
  4. Suggest a framework to build a solid foundation: The Appendix includes a description of what I learned from a stunning setback when I was just 14 years old. The lesson I learned from that adversity quickly turned me from a poor student to a good performer. What I learned at the age of 14 became a springboard for my life as a student, and has remained a guiding principle throughout my business career.
All of us have unique strengths. The moment we are able to identify these strengths and find a career suited to them, we are well on our way to becoming successful and making great contributions. I have included some suggestions to find your strengths and unleash your potential. The book provides a description of the various job search tools and techniques. As a business manager, I have interviewed hundreds of candidates and observed what makes some candidates more successful than others. As an executive recruiter for ten years, I interacted with hiring managers from a variety of companies and learned how they select their employees.
I know from personal experience that the candidates who get hired are not necessarily the ones who can do the best job. The jobs often go to those candidates who know the most about the job search process. This book will help you gain that knowledge.
Narinder K. Mehta
P.O. Box 547
Dover, MA 02030-0547