Monday, September 12, 2011


You should apply only for those jobs for which you are qualified and then tailor your cover letter and resume to the needs of potential employers. If you do this right, there is a high probability you will be called for job interviews.
The quality of the resume and cover letter determine who gets invited for the interview. Your success in the interview process will depend largely on the level of your preparation. You should anticipate what questions are likely to be asked during the interview, and know how you are going to answer those questions. You should have a list of questions you want to ask. The interview is an opportunity for you to learn about the job and the company so that you can decide whether that is the right opportunity for you.
A person is invited for the job interview only when the employer thinks there may be a possible match with the job requirements. The interview is a two way process. It enables the employer to identify suitable candidates, and then establish the best match. On the other hand, interviews enable candidates to determine whether the job opportunities fit their qualifications and interests. A candidate, who has studied the job description and researched the employer organization, is likely to interview well. It is essential to have a successful interview in order to get a job offer.
There are many types of job interviews that you will have to handle in the job search process. These include phone interviews, face-to-face interviews, interviews at a meal, and behavioral interviews.

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